science, policy, and Society
Grabowski, Z, K Zion, and C Monfreda (2019). Enhancing Urban Resilience Knowledge Systems through Experiential Pluralism. Environmental Science and Policy 96: 70-76.
Herkert, J, R Hollander, C Miller, F Benya, C Monfreda, and L Osborne. (2015). Energy Ethics in Science and Engineering Education. In International Perspectives on Engineering Education: Engineering Education and Practice in Context, Volume 1. (eds. S Hyldgaard Christensen and B Newberry). Springer.
Davies, S, C Selin, S Rodegher, C Altamirano Allende, M Burnam-Fink, C DiVittorio, C Glerup, C Keyes, M Kimball, M Liao, C Monfreda, and B Trinidad. (2015). Studying Emerge: Findings from an event ethnography. Futures 70: 75-85.
Monfreda, C. (2011). Review of Knowledge and Environmental Policy: Re-imagining the Boundaries of Science and Politics, by William Ascher, Toddi Steelman and Robert Healy. Review of Policy Research 28(5): 542-544.
Monfreda, C. (2011). Review of A Vast Machine: Computer Models, Climate Data and the Politics of Global Warming, by Paul Edwards. Review of Policy Research 28(5): 544-546.
Hulme, M, M Mahony, S Beck, C Görg, B Hansjürgens, J Hauck, C Nesshöver, A Paulsch, M Vandewalle, H Wittmer, S Böschen, P Bridgewater, MC Diaw, P Fabre, A Figueroa, K Luen Heong, H Korn, R Leemans, E Lövbrand, MN Hamid, C Monfreda, R Pielke, Jr., J Settele, M Winter, ABM Vadrot, S van den Hove, and JP van der Sluijs. (2011). Science policy: Beyond Assessments. Science 5: 697-698.
Monfreda, C (2010). Setting the stage for new global knowledge: Science, economics, and indigenous knowledge in The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) at the Fourth World Conservation Congress. Conservation and Society 8(4): 288-297. (Open Access)
Miller, C, T Muñoz-Erickson, and C Monfreda. (2010). Knowledge Systems Analysis: A Report for the Advancing Conservation in a Social Context Project. Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes, Arizona State University.
Herkert, J, R Hollander, C Miller, F Benya, C Monfreda, and L Osborne. (2015). Energy Ethics in Science and Engineering Education. In International Perspectives on Engineering Education: Engineering Education and Practice in Context, Volume 1. (eds. S Hyldgaard Christensen and B Newberry). Springer.
Davies, S, C Selin, S Rodegher, C Altamirano Allende, M Burnam-Fink, C DiVittorio, C Glerup, C Keyes, M Kimball, M Liao, C Monfreda, and B Trinidad. (2015). Studying Emerge: Findings from an event ethnography. Futures 70: 75-85.
Monfreda, C. (2011). Review of Knowledge and Environmental Policy: Re-imagining the Boundaries of Science and Politics, by William Ascher, Toddi Steelman and Robert Healy. Review of Policy Research 28(5): 542-544.
Monfreda, C. (2011). Review of A Vast Machine: Computer Models, Climate Data and the Politics of Global Warming, by Paul Edwards. Review of Policy Research 28(5): 544-546.
Hulme, M, M Mahony, S Beck, C Görg, B Hansjürgens, J Hauck, C Nesshöver, A Paulsch, M Vandewalle, H Wittmer, S Böschen, P Bridgewater, MC Diaw, P Fabre, A Figueroa, K Luen Heong, H Korn, R Leemans, E Lövbrand, MN Hamid, C Monfreda, R Pielke, Jr., J Settele, M Winter, ABM Vadrot, S van den Hove, and JP van der Sluijs. (2011). Science policy: Beyond Assessments. Science 5: 697-698.
Monfreda, C (2010). Setting the stage for new global knowledge: Science, economics, and indigenous knowledge in The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) at the Fourth World Conservation Congress. Conservation and Society 8(4): 288-297. (Open Access)
Miller, C, T Muñoz-Erickson, and C Monfreda. (2010). Knowledge Systems Analysis: A Report for the Advancing Conservation in a Social Context Project. Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes, Arizona State University.
global land use
West, P, B McKenney, R Biggs, and C Monfreda. (2013). Feeding the world and protecting biodiversity. In The Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, 2nd Edition (ed. S Levin), Volume 3: 426-434. Princeton University Press.
Foley, JA, N Ramankutty, K Brauman, E Cassidy, J Gerber, M Johnston, N Mueller, C O'Donnell, D Ray, P West, C Blazer, E Bennett, S Carpenter, J Hill, C Monfreda, S Polasky, J Rockström, J Sheehan, S Siebert, D Tilman, and D Zaks. (2011). Solutions for a cultivated planet. Nature 478(7369): 337-342.
West, P, HK Gibbs, C Monfreda, J Wagner, C Barford, S Carpenter, and JA Foley. (2010). Trading carbon for food: Global comparison of carbon stocks vs. crop yields on agricultural lands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107(46): 19645-19648.
Licker, R, M Johnston, JA Foley, C Barford, Ramankutty, N, and C Monfreda. (2010). Mind the gap: How do climate and agricultural management explain the “yield gap” of croplands around the world?. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19(6): 769-782.
Foley, JA, C Monfreda, JA Patz, and N Ramankutty. (2009). Agriculture, land use and the transformation of planet Earth. In The Princeton Guide to Ecology. (ed. S Levin), pp. 724-730. Princeton University Press.
Monfreda, C, N Ramankutty, and T Hertel. (2009). Global agricultural land use data for climate change analysis. In Economic Analysis of Land Use in Global Climate Change Policy. (eds. T Hertel, S Rose, and R Tol), pp. 33-48. Routledge.
Johnston, M, JA Foley, T Holloway, C Kucharik, and C Monfreda. (2009). Resetting global expectations from biofuels. Environmental Research Letters 4(1).
Gibbs, HK, M Johnston, JA Foley, T Holloway, C Monfreda, N Ramankutty, and D Zaks. (2008). Carbon payback times for crop-based biofuel expansion in the tropics: The effects of changing yield and technology. Environmental Research Letters 3(3).
Monfreda, C, N Ramankutty, and JA Foley. (2008). Farming the planet: 2. Geographic distribution of crop areas, yields, physiological types, and net primary production in the year 2000. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22.
Ramankutty, N, A Evan, C Monfreda, and JA Foley. (2008). Farming the planet: 1. Geographic distribution of global agricultural lands in the year 2000. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22.
Foley, JA, C Monfreda, N Ramankutty, and D Zaks. (2007). Our share of the planetary pie. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104(31): 12585-12586.
Foley, JA, R DeFries, GP Asner, C Barford, G Bonan, SR Carpenter, FS Chapin, MT Coe, GC Daily, HK Gibbs, JH Helkowski, T Holloway, EA Howard, CJ Kucharik, C Monfreda, JA Patz, IC Prentice, N Ramankutty, and PK Snyder. (2005). Land-use practices have negative, global-scale effects on ecosystem services and human welfare. Science 309: 570-574.
Foley, JA, N Ramankutty, K Brauman, E Cassidy, J Gerber, M Johnston, N Mueller, C O'Donnell, D Ray, P West, C Blazer, E Bennett, S Carpenter, J Hill, C Monfreda, S Polasky, J Rockström, J Sheehan, S Siebert, D Tilman, and D Zaks. (2011). Solutions for a cultivated planet. Nature 478(7369): 337-342.
West, P, HK Gibbs, C Monfreda, J Wagner, C Barford, S Carpenter, and JA Foley. (2010). Trading carbon for food: Global comparison of carbon stocks vs. crop yields on agricultural lands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107(46): 19645-19648.
Licker, R, M Johnston, JA Foley, C Barford, Ramankutty, N, and C Monfreda. (2010). Mind the gap: How do climate and agricultural management explain the “yield gap” of croplands around the world?. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19(6): 769-782.
Foley, JA, C Monfreda, JA Patz, and N Ramankutty. (2009). Agriculture, land use and the transformation of planet Earth. In The Princeton Guide to Ecology. (ed. S Levin), pp. 724-730. Princeton University Press.
Monfreda, C, N Ramankutty, and T Hertel. (2009). Global agricultural land use data for climate change analysis. In Economic Analysis of Land Use in Global Climate Change Policy. (eds. T Hertel, S Rose, and R Tol), pp. 33-48. Routledge.
Johnston, M, JA Foley, T Holloway, C Kucharik, and C Monfreda. (2009). Resetting global expectations from biofuels. Environmental Research Letters 4(1).
Gibbs, HK, M Johnston, JA Foley, T Holloway, C Monfreda, N Ramankutty, and D Zaks. (2008). Carbon payback times for crop-based biofuel expansion in the tropics: The effects of changing yield and technology. Environmental Research Letters 3(3).
Monfreda, C, N Ramankutty, and JA Foley. (2008). Farming the planet: 2. Geographic distribution of crop areas, yields, physiological types, and net primary production in the year 2000. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22.
Ramankutty, N, A Evan, C Monfreda, and JA Foley. (2008). Farming the planet: 1. Geographic distribution of global agricultural lands in the year 2000. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22.
Foley, JA, C Monfreda, N Ramankutty, and D Zaks. (2007). Our share of the planetary pie. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104(31): 12585-12586.
Foley, JA, R DeFries, GP Asner, C Barford, G Bonan, SR Carpenter, FS Chapin, MT Coe, GC Daily, HK Gibbs, JH Helkowski, T Holloway, EA Howard, CJ Kucharik, C Monfreda, JA Patz, IC Prentice, N Ramankutty, and PK Snyder. (2005). Land-use practices have negative, global-scale effects on ecosystem services and human welfare. Science 309: 570-574.
Ecological footprint
Wackernagel, M, C Martiniak, F Wellington, C Monfreda, S Goldfinger, J Kitzes, and D Cheng. (2006). Does a nation’s ecological performance affect its economic stability? The potential for enhancing sovereign credit risk assessments with ecological resource accounts. In Managing the Business Case for Sustainability: The Integration of Social, Environmental, and Economic Performance. (eds. S Schaltegger and M Wagner), pp. 359-374, Greenleaf Publishing Ltd.
Monfreda, C, M Wackernagel, and D Deumling. (2004). Establishing national natural capital accounts based on detailed ecological footprint and biological capacity assessments. Land Use Policy 21(3): 231-246.
Wackernagel, M, C Monfreda, K-H Erb, H Haberl, and NB Schulz. (2004). Ecological footprint time series of Austria, the Philippines, and South Korea for 1961-1999: comparing the conventional approach to an ‘actual land area’ approach. Land Use Policy 21(3): 261-269.
Wackernagel, M, C Monfreda, NB Schulz, K-H Erb, H Haberl, and F Krausmann. (2004). Calculating national and global ecological footprint time series: resolving conceptual challenges. Land Use Policy 21(3): 271-278.
Haberl, H, M Wackernagel, F Krausmann, K-H Erb, and C Monfreda. (2004). Ecological footprints and appropriation of net primary production: a comparison. Land Use Policy 21(3): 279-288.
Wackernagel, M & C Monfreda. (2004). Ecological Footprints and Energy. In The Encyclopedia of Energy. (ed. C Cleveland), Elsevier Academic Press.
Wackernagel, M, NB Schulz, D Deumling, A Callejas Linares, M Jenkins, V Kapos, C Monfreda, J Loh, N Myers, R Norgaard, and J Randers. (2002). Tracking the ecological overshoot of the human economy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99(14): 9266-9271.
Monfreda, C, M Wackernagel, and D Deumling. (2004). Establishing national natural capital accounts based on detailed ecological footprint and biological capacity assessments. Land Use Policy 21(3): 231-246.
Wackernagel, M, C Monfreda, K-H Erb, H Haberl, and NB Schulz. (2004). Ecological footprint time series of Austria, the Philippines, and South Korea for 1961-1999: comparing the conventional approach to an ‘actual land area’ approach. Land Use Policy 21(3): 261-269.
Wackernagel, M, C Monfreda, NB Schulz, K-H Erb, H Haberl, and F Krausmann. (2004). Calculating national and global ecological footprint time series: resolving conceptual challenges. Land Use Policy 21(3): 271-278.
Haberl, H, M Wackernagel, F Krausmann, K-H Erb, and C Monfreda. (2004). Ecological footprints and appropriation of net primary production: a comparison. Land Use Policy 21(3): 279-288.
Wackernagel, M & C Monfreda. (2004). Ecological Footprints and Energy. In The Encyclopedia of Energy. (ed. C Cleveland), Elsevier Academic Press.
Wackernagel, M, NB Schulz, D Deumling, A Callejas Linares, M Jenkins, V Kapos, C Monfreda, J Loh, N Myers, R Norgaard, and J Randers. (2002). Tracking the ecological overshoot of the human economy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99(14): 9266-9271.